Well, my big brother, Jason turned 31 years old today. We went to Cocina Medina for dinner, his favorite food choice for celebrations. He had two margaritas and then the restaurant proceeded to give him two free shots of tequila! If you've never seen my bro drunk, you're missing out! If you thought he was a dorkis sober, you ain't seen nothin! :-) But you gotta love 'em!
My bro, Jason...taking his free shot of "ta-kill-ya"
Free shot #2 of tequila, thanks Cocina Medina for making my bro an even bigger dork!
Patryk, Papa and Christian
My mom, the sombrero thief and me
Patryk, Papa and Christian
My mom, the sombrero thief and me
Ain't Pat a cutie?
Bub aka Christian showin' us his "horns" Yes, these two are always like this! Well...except when they're getting on each other's nerves!