Thursday, May 15, 2008

My older sister

Jade has an older sister that was recently discovered. Her name is Lizzie and if you look at a picture of both of them separately, it's almost impossible to tell them apart! Lizzie is from the litter before Jade's and is 7 months older. When we first saw Lizzie at her house, we thought that Jade had gotten out of the yard! One day I decided to stop by and introduce myself and ask about the dog. As it turned out, we found her sister! Pretty cool!

The first sighting - January, 18 2008

The first time the sisters met - March 24, 2008

We ran into each other on a walk last friday

Okay! We are ready to pull a sled!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Jade meets a horse

I'm so proud of my big, goofy dog Jade! She met two white horses on one pasture and then another two brown horses a few pastures down. She like the white one's better, they were more friendly to her. One brown and white horse put her ears back and stomped her hoof hard! Jade put her tail between her legs and backed up. Jade proceeded to drag me back to the other pasture with the white horses, where she finally gave me a perfect least the best I could do trying to hold her leash and step back to take a pic with a camera phone! Every time I tried to step back she tried to follow me...I was her safety zone.

Eventually Jade got so comfortable that she sneaked under the fence and stood right next to them. Eventually they were more interested in her than she was in them!